Sunday, November 29, 2009


It's been said before and I'll say it again, Sex Sells! I was browsing the magazine aisle at a store this weekend, scanning the various covers when I noticed Cosmopolitan. This brought back memories. My friends and I used to read Cosmopolitan religiously in high school, it was our Bible. I though about it some more and realized how stupid Cosmopolitan really is. I think it's important, before I go on my rampage, to look at who the magazine is targeting. Some could argue that it's for adult women, but I know that it was most popular for my friends and I when we were freshmen. I should also say that I'm sorry to those out there who love Cosmopolitan, but one day you will realize that there is only so many sex positions they can sell you!

On the topic of sex, the cover of the magazine is always sporting some article parading: 101 New Sex Positions, 75 Sex Moves that will have your man eating out of the palm of your hand- Guaranteed!, 83 Ways to BLOW his mind, etc. First of all, the magazine tends to drift towards the idea that women should be looking for ways to better themelves in bed and please their man. What about the other way around? Does Maxim have articles for men on how to find the G-spot on a woman and have her eating out of his hand when he's done? I don't really know, but I'm guessing it's not worded quite like that, if they do.

The next thing that bothers me is that there is only so many sex positions and only so many ways to word them. You may be annoyed as well, because some of the positions are absolutely absurd and physically impossible to do. Then, some are just downright dirty and probably quite unhealthy.

What kind of message is this sending to girls and even women? When I was in high school, we just thought that we were way cool because we were walking around with the newest issue of Cosmo and hey everybody it has 300 new ways to do it in a pool, ladies prepare yourself for some summer lovin. Now that I'm a few years older, I think to myself, why did we feel the need to be sex masters in the 9th grade? Paired with the fashion tips Cosmo offers, it's setting girls up for heartache. Girls want to be pretty and cool in high school, and by following Cosmo, you can be sexy and well versed in sex. I just feel like we are growing up to fast, middle school girls are probably already reading Cosmo, learning how to please a man south of the border, instead of talking about their crushes with their BFF's.

Everything else aside, I just think that Cosmo gives off really bad advice. If you want to know about fashion, read Vogue or Teen Magazine. If you want to know about sex, talk to your friends, don't take advice from a magazine, you might end up with a compromising situation in the bedroom.

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